
As a form of animation that is closest to the essence of movies among all kinds of animation, stop-motion animation is deeply loved by people and has a lot of room for development in the new era. The steady progress of science and technology has raised people’s requirements for the presentation form of stop-motion animation. People are no longer satisfied with the design of stop-motion animation, which only unilaterally transmits information to the audience and does not interact with the audience. To meet people’s needs, this paper applied the augmented reality technology of digital media to the design and production of live-action stop-motion animation. It used 3D tracking and registration technology to integrate virtual characters into real-life stop-motion animation, and presented it to the audience through augmented reality equipment to improve the interaction between real-life stop-motion animation and the audience. Finally, this paper conducted an experimental design on the fluency, accuracy, animation playback, and user satisfaction of the real-life stop-motion animation of augmented reality. The results showed that the smoothness and accuracy of the live-action stop-motion animation using the augmented reality technology of digital media have been correspondingly improved, and the user’s satisfaction with the augmented reality live-action stop-motion animation has increased by 3.1%. The augmented reality technology of digital media has greatly improved the interaction between live-action stop-motion animation and the audience and promoted the development of live-action stop-motion animation.

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