
This is an ongoing experimental study aims to investigate the impact of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and software design on both the achievement of the learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) and their attitudes toward learning EFL on upper-elementary level students. It examines both variables (performance and attitudes) before and after the implementation of computers and learning at home via the Internet. The field study is taking place at the College of Administrative Sciences — King Saud University (KSU) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Prior to the study, the researcher conducted a motivational and attitudinal survey of the subjects, which was adapted from Gardner's Attitude/Motivation Test Battery with modifications. The survey intended to examine 150 Saudi freshmen student's attitudes in KSU toward leaning EFL using audio-lingual and grammar translation methods and traditional teaching aids in school. The survey's results showed negative attitudes held by students toward learning English using traditional teaching aids i.e textbook and paper handouts. The subjects of the current study have reached about 100 students in different phases till the beginning of 2011. All students are freshman males who take this general English course (Eng 101) as a requisite for their B.A program. The study period was one semester of about 16 weeks, during which the students experienced a completely new way of learning English through computers and the Internet. To measure the students' progress the researcher ran a pre-test and a post test for the experimental group. At the same time a control group who studied the same course took a pre-test and a post-test to measure and compare their performance with the experimental group. Results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group by 25%. As to the experimental attitudes toward using computers and audiovisual technology students attitudes were remarkable positive. It will be useful to see how the design and implementation of computer programs can help enhancing the learning outcomes. The designed program will be reviewed during the presentation session so as the researcher and the designing team could benefit from the valuable input from experts in the fields of language learning, e-learning and educational software designers.

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