
The image method for determining the source to receiver transfer function in an enclosure has been implemented on computers for some time now [J. Allen and D. Berkley, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 65, 943 (1979); J. Borish, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 75, 1827 (1984)]. However, it is sometimes difficult to apply the results of these models in terms of, for example, spatial hearing phenomena, simply by looking at the time domain impulse response. An interactive computer program that displays, in three dimensions, the source, the receiver, the enclosure, and several representations of the sound rays incident on the receiver, will be demonstrated. A real‐time stereo DSP system ,that processes sound with the simulated impulse response, so the results of the simulation may be heard, will also be demonstrated. Comparisons of the simulated results with experimental results will be available.

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