
This paper shows a prototype software to ask and answer question in an interactive learning environment. The set of software is composed by an interactive web editor based on IMS-QTI specifications, an interactions player, and a web repository. The interactive web editor and the interaction player were designed to be used in smartphones, tablet or laptop. To build questions, the AquRate authoring tool also can be used. The repository verifies the IMS-QTI specification, when the question is storing. Any user can ask or store question on repository; however, the user needs the authoring tool to build questions under the specifications and then the player can display the question on Mobile QTI. The interactive learning system gives detailed information about the answer each student and also a summary of the class. This way, the teacher knows whether the students understand the topic. The set of prototype software is available for free on web, and can be used to test the students or to hold interactive classes.

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