
Verbal interaction and building up meaning : readings of a narrative text by a group of 9-year-old pupils. Maurice MAS, Grenoble IUFM, Centre de Privas and the IVEL research team, Université de Grenoble III. This paper's aim is to analyse some of the aspects involved when 9-year-old pupils try to build up the meaning of a short narrative text which contains a lot of implicit ideas. The observations in this paper result from the exchanges between six pupils, who had been placed in a semi-directive interview situation, during which they tell each other what they have understood from the text whilst the teacher only intervenes to refocus the discussion or get it going again should it break down. An analysis of the transcription of the exchanges enables us to observe how the verbal interactions within the group function, especially as regards the way in which meaning is built up (or sometimes « built down ») both on an individual and a group basis, the existence of reader profiles (from the point of view of understanding the text), and the teacher's role while these exchanges are taking place.

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