
The within tree distribution of some common natural enemies of bark beetles in pine plantations in Israel and some aspects of their feeding habits were studied with special emphasis on the potential impact on the predatorAulonium ruficorne Olivier. A total of 12 predators and 2 parasite species were found associated withA. ruficorne in the natural enemy complex of bark beetles on pines. No secondary parasites were detected. The anthocoridScoloposcelis pulchella (Zetterstedt) and the dipteranMedetera striata Parent were observed feeding on immature stages ofA. ruficorne in the absence of scolytids. The associated Coleoptea:Nemosema elongatum F.,Rhizophagus bipustulatus L.,Corticeus spp.,Plastysoma spp. andPlegaderus discisus Erickson are thought to compete withA. ruficorne on larvae and pupae of bark beetles when the latter are in limited quantities (especially in the lower section of the tree). The parasites, mainlyMetacolus unifasciatuss Forster andDendrosoter caenopachoides Ruschka are assumed to compete withA. ruficorne during the larval period in the smooth bark section of the stem. Competition might occur mainly during spring and fall. Deutonymphs of the miteIpiduropoda sellnicki were detected on the abdomen ofA. ruficorne adults. Larvae of the predator were rarely infected in the field by the bacteriaSerratia sp. while laboratory cultures suffered high rate of mortality caused by this pathogen.

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