
During the past 10 to 15 years, international society has been strongly connected to and guided by the system under United Nations (UN) six main organs and countless agencies. With international order being challenged and re-established during these years, the mechanism of United Nations organs and agencies are usually viewed under International Law perspectives. The operating routine of the UN and International Law was somehow connected especially in the way of the decision-making process and decision-making results (i.e. Conventions, Resolutions). The article took an analytical and comparative view regarding the UN system and International Law and innovatively pointed out the current dilemma between those two entities. The article naturally draws out the drafting and the settlement of International Law. The process surely sped up the development of UN organs and agencies and reversely the UN system boosted the loopholes and the lay-backs of International Law consecutively. Also, the author spotted that with the leading roles of the United Nations Security Council and the International Court of Justice under International Law, there is still a long path to mend the relationship established between UN organs and International Law. It is valuable to examine the UN organs and agencies underneath International Law. The consensus-oriented mechanism of the UN will surely match the true essence of liberty of contract in International Law.

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