
The success of tidal freshwater wetland restoration is typically gauged by the re-establishment of characteristics found in reference marshes. Although plant species composition may resemble reference marshes within a few years after the initiation of restoration, return of soil physicochemical properties may take much longer. We investigated soil characteristics in a post-levee breach freshwater tidal marsh restoration site (Liberty Island, California), and the impacts of soil compaction on the survival and growth of emergent macrophytes. In a field study, we examined soil physicochemical properties throughout 50-cm deep soil cores collected from locations at Liberty Island that differed in location and stage of vegetation colonization. In a controlled mesocosm study, we subjected three species that are commonly implemented in restoration plantings (Schoenoplectus acutus, S. californicus, and Typha latifolia) to two levels of soil compaction (control and high soil bulk density) to determine the influence of soil compaction on soil physicochemical properties and macrophyte response. Belowground biomass increased and soil bulk density decreased with time since vegetation colonization. The controlled study showed that both Schoenoplectus species exhibited greater survival than T. latifolia. The species explored are capable of ameliorating compacted soil conditions over time; this ability can facilitate the re-establishment of wetland structure and function at restoration sites.

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