
This paper describes a mathematical model based on operators and function spaces (Hilbert space) to better understand consciousness and the relationship between human and artificial consciousness (AC). Scientific understanding of the relationships between human consciousness (HC) and AC may shed new light on the future of HC and AC. This mathematical physical model considers general models of external and internal realities. Some schemes using external reality, senses or sensors, body-brain or computer software, internal reality, and HC or AC are discussed. The cyclic interaction of the internal reality maintains on time through decision-making (consciousness) and body-brain operators seem to be the origin of consciousness. An analysis of the importance of the AC and cyborg consciousnesses (CC) in the interaction with HC is also presented. It is concluded that the creation of CC and AC will allow the study of HC through experimentation by the evaluation of functions of emotion (values, feelings, penalties, and rewards) demanded by those consciousnesses. This will result in the transformation of the HC.

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