
At a local scale, forest trees and stands have a marked influence on climate; thus it is possible to define microclimates. These effects depend on local climatic characteristics and stand type. All climatic parameters should be considered, but partic ular attention should be paid to temperature, light and water. From a silvicultural point of view knowledge of the interactions exis ting between microclimatic conditions and stands, in conjunction with information now available concerning tree ecophysiology make i t possible to produce viable applications which are useful for silviculture during stand formation, and for applying silvicultura l treat- ments. Whitout a doubt, taking forest cover interactions into account (climate and ecophysiological potential of species) is th e basis of sustainable management in forests. Based on the current knowledge about young stands, it is possible to use existing vegetat ion cover, in a more or less modified form, to improve temperature conditions especially in relation to spring frost damage, and to improve water conditions for both plant uptake and plant growth for a variable period depending on the species, but for a minim um of 4 to 5 years. For clearing and thinning, the effects of microclimatic changes created by this type of forestry management, a nd con- sequently the response of trees in terms of photosynthesis and growth, are now well defined. forest stands / microclimate / ecophysiology / silviculture

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