
With grand canonical simulations invoking a configurationally weighted scheme, we have calculated interactions between charged surfaces immersed in a polyelectrolyte solution. In contrast to previous simulations of such systems, we have imposed full equilibrium conditions (i.e., we have included diffusive equilibrium with a bulk solution). This has a profound impact on the resulting interactions: even at modest surface charge densities, oppositely charged chains will, at sufficiently large separations, adsorb strongly enough to overcompensate for the nominal surface charge. This phenomenon, known as charge inversion, generates a double-layer repulsion and a free-energy barrier. Simpler canonical approaches, where the chains are assumed to neutralize the surfaces perfectly, will not capture this stabilizing barrier. The barrier height increases with the length of the polyions. Interestingly enough, the separation at which the repulsion becomes attractive is independent of chain length. The short chains here are unable to reach across from one surface to the other. We therefore conclude that the transition to an attractive regime is not provided by the formation of such "intersurface" bridges. With long chains and at large separations, charge inversion displays decaying oscillatory behavior (i.e., the apparent surface charge switches sign once again). This is due to polyion packing effects. We have also investigated responses to salt addition and changes in polyelectrolyte concentration. Our results are in qualitative and semiquantitative agreement with experimental findings, although it should be noted that our chains are comparatively short, and the experimental surface charge density is poorly established.

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