
When interactions between diazotrophic bacteria and non-legume plants are studied within the context of trying to extend biological nitrogen fixation to non-legume crops, an important first step is to establish reproducible internal colonization at high frequency of these plants. Using Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 (which induces stem and root nodules on the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata), tagged with a constitutively expressed lacZ reporter gene, we have studied the possibilities of internal colonization of the root system of the model dicot Arabidopsis thaliana. ORS571 was found to be able to enter A. thaliana roots after first colonizing lateral root cracks (LRCs), at the points of emergence of lateral roots. Cytological studies showed that after LRC colonization, bacteria moved into the intercellular space between the cortical and endodermal cell layers of roots. In our experimental conditions, this LRC and intercellular colonization are reproducible and occur at high frequency, although the level of colonization at each site is low. The flavonoids naringenin and daidzein, at low concentrations, were found to significantly stimulate (at the p=0.01 level) the frequency of LRC and intercellular colonization of A. thaliana roots by A. caulinodans. The role in colonization of the structural nodABC genes, as well as the regulatory gene nodD, was studied and it was found that both colonization and flavonoid stimulation of colonization are nod gene-independent. These systems should now enable the various genetic and physiological factors which are limiting both for rhizobial colonization and for endophytic nitrogen fixation in non-legumes, to be investigated. In particular, the use of A. thaliana, which has many advantages over other plants for molecular genetic studies, to study interactions between diazotrophic bacteria and non-legume dicots, should provide the means of identifying and understanding the mechanisms by which plant genes are involved in these interactions.

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