
The problem of interaction of two quasimolecular electrons located at an arbitrary distance from each other and near different atoms (nuclei) is solved. The interaction is considered as a second-order effect of quantum electrodynamics in the coordinate representation. It is shown that consistent account of the natural condition of the interaction symmetry with respect to both electrons leads to the additional contribution to the relativistic interaction of the two quasimolecular electrons compared with both the standard Breit operator and the generalized Breit operator obtained previously [O. N. Gadomskii, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 170, 1145 (2000) [Phys. Usp. 43, 1071 (2000)]]. The generalized Breit-Pauli operator for interaction of two quasimolecular electrons located at an arbitrary distance from each other is obtained.

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