
This article discusses the theoretical aspects of the interaction of a teacher of a preschool educational organization and parents (legal representatives) in the education of a culture of safe behavior of children. The relevance of the problem under consideration is due to the tasks of the state policy in the field of education, where one of the most important is declared – the upbringing of the younger generation. The Federal State Program of Preschool Education (FOP) and the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (FGOS) define modern guidelines for building relationships between a preschool educational organization and the families of pupils. Among the basic principles of preschool education, the cooperation of the kindergarten with the family is distinguished. One of the most important tasks solved in these documents is to provide psychological and pedagogical support to the family and to increase the competence of parents in the development and education of children, protection and strengthening of their health [2, p. 3]. This determines the need to choose means and methods in the upbringing of children, which must begin with the first level of education - preschool childhood. It is at this level of formation of a future citizen that it is necessary to form a conscious and responsible attitude to personal safety and the safety of people around him, as well as reasonable actions in problematic situations. The most important acquisition of preschool age is the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment and consistent behavior that ensures a safe existence in this environment. The authors of the article analyzed the different points of view of scientists on the problem of interaction, presented the forms, methods and means of interaction between teachers and parents, revealed the various social roles of parents in the upbringing of children

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