
Serum fructosamine concentration falls with an increase in plasma protein turnover. Since this increase is a feature of gastrointestinal parasite infection at all sites, a falling serum fructosamine level may be of general application in the interpretation of parasite-related events. The circulating fructosamine level was investigated in the lamb as an indicator of protein-losing gastroenteropathy associated with two parasites at different sites, Ostertagia circumcincta (abomasum) and Nematodirus spathiger (small intestine). Infection with 10,000 N spathiger infective larvae daily for seven weeks produced only slight clinical signs, and only a small change in serum fructosamine levels. 2500 O circumcincta L3 daily gave no clinical signs in most animals, but serum fructosamine was more strongly affected in this group. Concurrent infection with both organisms caused some degree of diarrhoea in all lambs, and a sustained fall in serum fructosamine, more accentuated than that observed in either of the single infection groups, supporting the value of serum fructosamine determination in monitoring gastrointestinal parasitism.

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