
Brain enkephalin, vasopressin and oxytocin are anxiolytic agents involved in the stress response. Acute restraint stress influences certain neuropeptidase activities, such as some enkephalin-degrading peptidases and vasopressinase/oxytocinase, in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), amygdala (AM) or hippocampus (HC), which are involved in this response. Because these regions form a unified circuit and cooperate in their response to stress, it is important to analyze the profile of the regional distribution of these activities as well as their inter-regional model of interaction in this circuit. Regarding the regional study, although most activities showed a marked predominance of the AM over the HC and mPFC, both in control and stressed animals, enkephalin-degrading activity, assayed as membrane-bound alanyl aminopeptidase activity, showed a change after stress, increasing in the HC and decreasing in the AM. The correlational study in controls indicated essentially a positive interaction between the mPFC and AM. In marked contrast, there was a highly significant change in the functional status of this circuit after stress, showing mainly a positive correlation between the mPFC and HC and between the AM and HC. The existence of correlations does not demonstrate a direct relationship between regions. However, reasons for such strong associations after restraint stress should be examined. The present study may indicate a connection between neuropeptidase activities and their corresponding neuropeptidergic substrates due to significant changes in the functional status of the cortico-limbic circuit after restraint stress.

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