
The potential energy surface (PES) describing the interaction of the methanol molecule with molecular hydrogen has been calculated by the use of the explicitly correlated coupled cluster method, including single, double, and (perturbative) triple excitations [CCSD(T)-F12a] and a correlation-consistent aug-cc-pVTZ basis, with the assumption of fixed molecular geometries. The computed points were fit to a functional form appropriate for time-independent quantum scattering calculations of rotationally inelastic cross sections and rate coefficients. Stationary points on the PES were located, and the global minimum was found to have an energy equal to -254.7 cm-1 relative to the energy of the separated molecules. This PES was used in time-independent close coupling quantum scattering calculations to determine state-to-state cross sections and rate coefficients for rotational transitions within the A- and E-type nuclear spin torsional ground states.

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