
AbstractThis contribution deals with the interaction of cyanide solutions with two types of double-layer structures. A 0.1 M KCN methanol solution, one of the very strong alkaline solutions, was used for treatment as an alternative to 0.1 M KCN aqueous solution. The Fourier transfer infrared (FTIR) spectra of samples deposited on glass contain the interference behaviors from which corresponding changes of optical thicknesses were calculated. After interaction with all types of KCN solutions there was an observed decrease in the values of optical thickness on the double-layer structure intrinsic amorphous Si/p-type amorphous SiC/glass. The optical thickness of an n-type microcrystalline Si/intrinsic amorphous Si/glass structure increased after interaction with KCN methanol solutions. This effect is partly related with the increase of the complex refractive index of the intrinsic amorphous Si sublayer. The values of the changes of optical thickness of the structures were obtained with corresponding confidence intervals determining the range of error in the measurement and evaluation procedures used. The results indicate that this approach can be successfully used also for research into the interaction of other thin film structures with various types of solution with real-time measurements, as well as for the successful monitoring of passivation of defect states inside pin amorphous solar cells.Keywords: KCN solutionamorphous siliconoptical thicknessPACS: 78.20. ± e42.70. ± a71.20.Nr81.16. ± c AcknowledgmentWe thank to Dr. M. Jergel of the IoP SAS Bratislava, for help with XRD measurements and in discussions.Additional informationFundingThis work was financially supported by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) and by the following Slovakian agencies: APVV [project number 0888/11]; and VEGA [project numbers 2/0076/15, 1/0818/13, and 1/0853/13].

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