
Summary form only given. Essential progress has been achieved on GOL-3 experimental facility (Novosibirsk) in recent years. Deuterium plasma with density 1015 cm-3 is heated by relativistic electron beam up to temperatures in order of 2 keV, both for electron and ion plasma components. Neutron output has been obtained for the plasma. The paper presents one possible way to increase neutron output. It can be done if small condensed matter target with density about 1 containing deuterium would be placed into the plasma. Estimations of neutron output for different targets are presented in the paper, obtained by means of numerical simulation. The basis of the calculation model is physico-mathematical model of hot plasma interaction with solid target. Equations of gas dynamics, kinetics of level population of multi-charged ions and radiation transfer in lines and continuum, kinetics of chemical decomposition of target matter or its evaporation are solved self-consistently. Calculations of neutron output for targets of frozen deuterium, lithium deuteride and deuteration polyethylene have been done. Estimation of tritium accumulation in reaction Li3 6 + n0 1 = H1 3 + He2 4 for lithium deuteride target is presented. Neutron output has been calculated for targets with deuterium-tritium mixture as well. Size of target with maximum neutron output has been obtained

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