
Albanian literary culture and our national history have interacted with characterizing and identifying features that originate in a phrase known as the Baptismal Formula of 1462. Albanian literature has helped history, often influencing greatly on periods of history; they have also interacted in the aspect of ideas, discourse and topics, etc. Even the epic Albanian poetry derived, being influenced by the history of the Albanian people, just the same as the first texts in prose of old authors, which are also the content of a historical up building . Even drama, as a literary genre, developed vigorously thematizing events, personalities and stories from history. It is important to note that in all its genres, historical discourse played a primary and dominant role in the tradition of writing history, as well as in filling the gap in schooling and in education of the young generation. Cultural records prove that history and historical texts have exercised influence in the language, through various translations. These literary, linguistic and cultural evidences are identifiable, but permanent signs that clearly show a fact: that in Albanian literature there was a continuous literary influence of our history, just as the artistic and folk literature influenced the writing of history, through all the times in our national history. Indeed, this has happened reciprocally since the first traces of Albanian literature, with the first authors: John Buzuku, Pjeter Budi, Pjeter Bogdani and Jul Variboba (XVI-XVII century) to the present day, with the authors such as Ismail Kadare, Martin Camaj and Anton Pashku, Frederik Rreshpja, and many others. Albanian Literature, maintains a close, intercommunicating, multi-dimensional relationship with our history and historic culture.

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