
A feedlot growth-performance trial and a metabolism trial were conducted to evaluate the interaction of forage level (10 vs 20%) and monensin (0 vs 28 mg/kg, air-dry basis) on utilization of a steam-flaked corn-based finishing diet. There were no treatment interactions (P > .10) on feedlot cattle growth performance or site and extent of digestion of OM, ADF, N, and starch. Monensin supplementation did not influence (P > .10) ADG, DM intake, feed efficiency, estimated NE value of the diet, or ruminal and total tract digestibility of OM, ADF, and starch. Monensin decreased (14.5%, P < .10) passage of microbial N to the small intestine and ruminal digestion of feed N (10.4%, P < .05). Ruminal pH tended to be slightly lower (1.9%, P < .10) with monensin supplementation. Monensin did not affect (P > .10) ruminal molar proportions of acetate and butyrate. There was an interaction between forage level and monensin on ruminal molar proportions of propionate. With the low-forage diet, molar proportions of propionate were 9.4% higher with monensin supplementation. In contrast, with the high-forage diet ruminal molar proportions of propionate were 5.5% lower with supplemental monensin. Monensin did not affect (P > .10) estimates of methane production. Decreasing the forage in the diet from 20 to 10% increased ADG (10.8%, P < .10), feed efficiency (11.6%, P < .01), and diet NEg (11.3%, P < .05). Ruminal digestibility of ADF, OM, and starch were not affected (P > .10) by forage level.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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