
Sixteen analogs of N-methyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) of varying degrees of flexibility have been studied as substrates of highly purified monoamine oxidases (MAO) A and B. The relative effectiveness of the various tetrahydropyridines as substrates of MAO A and B were evaluated in terms of the function turnover number/Km, as determined by initial rate measurements. The insertion of a methylene bridge between the phenyl and tetrahydropyridine moieties of MPTP to yield N-methyl-4-benzyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, rendering the molecule more flexible, greatly enhances reactivity with MAO B, but not with MAO A, as compared with MPTP itself, in accord with data in the literature (Youngster et al., 1989a). The ethylene-bridged MPTP analog, on the other hand, is a far better substrate of both forms of MAO than is MPTP itself. The effect of molecular flexibility on the rate of oxidation of these compounds is obscured by substituents on the aromatic ring. Branching and rigidity were detrimental to the activity as substrates of both forms of MAO. Those analogs of 1 which contain small electron-withdrawing substituents in the phenyl ring were found to be more selective for MAO B, while those substituted with bulky groups were selectively oxidized by MAO A. The substrate binding site of MAO A probably contains a lipophilic pocket larger than that found in a similar site in MAO B.

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