
We studied the interaction of double-chained cationic surfactants, dimethyldialkylammoniums, (CH3)2N+(CnH2n+1)2, with the lipid bilayer of guinea-pig erythrocytes by observing the haemolysis, aggregation and shape change in the erythrocytes. In the presence of sonicated dispersions of the five dimethyldialkylammoniums tested (n = 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18), haemolysis was induced dose dependently, and at 0.1 mM or higher concentrations, haemolysis was induced more rapidly by dimethyldialkylammoniums with shorter alkyl chains. The cationic surfactants with longer alkyl chains, such as dimethyldipalmitylammonium, induced aggregation of the erythrocytes before haemolysis fully progressed. The vesicles of these long-chain dimethyldialkylammoniums in the presence of phosphatidylcholines with unsaturated fatty acyl chains markedly reduced the haemolysis rates. Furthermore, in the presence of phosphatidylcholines with unsaturated acyl chains the formation of tightly aggregated structures of several erythrocytes was observed. These findings, and analysis by spin label 5-doxylstearic acid, indicate that phosphatidylcholines enriched with unsaturated acyl chains stabilize the cationic vesicles of long-chain dimethyldialkylammoniums and the interaction with the lipid bilayer of erythrocyte membranes as cationic vesicles became prominent.

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