
A growth factor (EDGF) derived from the retina controls the proliferation and shape of adult bovine epithelial lens (BEL) cells in vitro as well as extracellular matrix (ECM) assembly. In order to analyse this mechanism and the specificity of the interactions between BEL cells and the extracellular matrix we have investigated the adhesion and growth of BEL cells on various substrata (fibronectin, laminin, ECM). BEL cells treated with EDGF adhered more slowly to plastic Petri dishes than untreated cells, in part due to EDGF inhibition of fibronectin deposition. The untreated BEL cells spread less well on ECM or laminin than on fibronectin-coated plastic. The preferential adhesiveness of BEL cells on fibronectin vs laminin was confirmed by attachment experiments performed on replicas of SDS-PAGE of these proteins. However, in long-term cultures, 8 days after seeding, BEL cells were very differently arranged on plastic or on ECM. ECM by itself did not increase the proliferation rate but helped to restore an organized cell monolayer. BEL cells stimulated to grow on ECM by treatment with EDGF exhibited at least transiently contact inhibition producing a perfectly organized epithelium similar to the one observed in vivo. These results suggest specific interactions between ECM or ECM components with BEL cell that restrain excessive cell spreading and restore an original polarized phenotype of the cells seen in vivo.

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