
Steers (n=335) of known genetic backgrounds from four fundamentally different growth types were subjected to two production systems to study differences in carcass traits. Growth types were animals with genetic potential for large mature weight-late maturing, intermediate mature weight-late maturing, intermediate mature weight-early maturing and small mature weight-early maturing. Each year, in a nine-year study, calves of each growth type were weaned and five steers of each growth type were developed on pasture or feedlot and slaughtered at approximately 20 and 14 months of age, respectively. Data collected were pre-slaughter shrunk body weight (SBW); hot carcass weight (HCW); dressing percentage (DRESS); fat thickness at the 12 th and 13 th rib interface (FAT); percentage kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (KPH); longissimus muscle area (LMA); marbling score (MARB); quality grade (QG); and yield grade (YG). Year and growth type were significant for all carcass traits. The growth type×production system interaction was an important source of variation in SBW, HCW; FAT, YG and MARB. The same interaction was non-significant for DRESS, KPH, LMA and QG. Carcass differences in measures of fatness were greater in the feedlot system than in the pasture system. These data could aid producers in matching beef growth type to the production system most suitable for efficient use of resources. (Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2005. Vol 18, No. 2 : 259-266)

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