
This study was conducted during autumn season of 2016 at Grdarasharesearch field, Agriculture College, Salahaddin University-Erbil, 434 meters abovesea level to determine the effect of planting date and foliar application on the yieldand some vegetative growth characters of broccoli. Seeds of Agassi F1 Hybridbroccoli cultivar were planted in the beginning of August 2016 then the seedlingswere transplanted to unheated greenhouse in two different periods of time, the firstwas on 20th October and the second one was 20 days after the first transplantingdates which was on 10th November 2016. Foliar fertilizer PRO.SOL (10+20+30)was also used with three levels (75g PRO.SOL/100 L water), (150g PRO.SOL /100L water), (225g PRO.SOL /100 L water including control (0 g PRO.SOL/100 Lwater (spray with distilled water with factorial RCBD design). The result indicatedthat planting date significantly influenced some vegetative growth characters ofbroccoli and higher result was recorded for the total yield for seedlings transplantedin November. The average weight of main and secondary heads compared to thecontrol, the main heads of the seedlings transplanted on 20th October producedhighest yield while lateral heads recorded lower weight in compare to thosetransplanted on 10th November. However, the yield of the main heads recorded abetter result for those grown in November. Foliar application had also significantlyaffected both yield and vegetative growth of broccoli. Seedlings sprayed with150g/100 L water recorded the highest yield and vegetative growth. The interactionof foliar and time had a significant effect of the total yield and some vegetativegrowth at both times. The best result recorded at both times (October andNovember) and sprayed with 150g of PRO.SOL/100 L water compare to thecontrol (0 g PRO.SOL/100 L water) and the other foliar application levels.

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