
Reaction between dissolved water and sulphide was experimentally investigated in soda-lime-silicate (NCS) and sodium trisilicate (NS3) melts at temperatures from 1000 to 1200 °C and pressures of 100 or 200 MPa in internally heated gas pressure vessels. Diffusion couple experiments were conducted at water-undersaturated conditions with one half of the couple being doped with sulphide (added as FeS or Na 2S; 1500–2000 ppm S by weight) and the other with H 2O (∼3.0 wt.%). Additionally, two experiments were performed using a dry NCS glass cylinder and a free H 2O fluid. Here, the melt was water-saturated at least at the melt/fluid interface. Profiling by electron microprobe (sulphur) and infrared microscopy (H 2O) demonstrate that H 2O diffusion in the melts is faster by 1.5–2.3 orders of magnitude than sulphur diffusion and, hence, H 2O can be considered as a rapidly diffusing oxidant while sulphur is quasi immobile in these experiments. In Raman spectra a band at 2576 cm −1 appears in the sulphide – H 2O transition zone which is attributed to fundamental S–H stretching vibrations. Formation of new IR absorption bands at 5025 cm −1 (on expense of the combination band of molecular H 2O at 5225 cm −1) and at 3400 cm −1 was observed at the front of the in-diffusing water in the sulphide bearing melt. The appearance and intensity of these two IR bands is correlated with systematic changes in S K-edge XANES spectra. A pre-edge excitation at 2466.5 eV grows with increasing H 2O concentration while the sulphide peak at 2474.0 eV decreases in intensity relative to the peak at 2477.0 eV and the feature at 2472.3 eV becomes more pronounced (all energies are relative to the sulphate excitation, calibrated to 2482.5 eV). The observations by Raman, IR and XANES spectroscopy indicate a well coordinated S 2− – H 2O complex which was probably formed in the glasses during cooling at the glass transition. No oxidation of sulphide was observed in any of the diffusion couple experiments. On the contrary, XANES spectra from experiments conducted with a free H 2O fluid show complete transformation of sulphide to sulphate near the melt surface and coexistence of sulphate and sulphide in the center of the melt. This can be explained by a lower H 2O activity in the diffusion couple experiments or by the need of a sink for hydrogen (e.g., a fluid which can dissolve high concentration of hydrogen) to promote oxidation of sulphide by H 2O via the reaction S 2− + 4H 2O = SO 4 2− + 4H 2. Sulphite could not be detected in any of the XANES spectra implying that this species, if it exists in the melt, it is a subordinate or transient species only.

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