
Light is both radiated and absorbed by atoms, and the interaction between the quantized electromagnetic field and an atom represents one of the most fundamental problems in quantum optics. However, real atoms are complicated systems, and even the simplest real atom, the hydrogen atom, has a non-trivial energy level structure. It is therefore often necessary or desirable to approximate the behavior of a real atom by that of a much simpler quantum system. For many purposes only two atomic energy levels play a significant role in the interaction with the electromagnetic field, so that it has become customary in many theoretical treatments to represent the atom by a quantum system with only two energy eigenstates. This is the most basic of all quantum systems, and it generally simplifies the treatment substantially. In a real atom the selection rules limit the allowed transitions between states, so that, in some cases, a certain state may couple to only one other. Moreover, optical pumping techniques have been developed that allow such preferred states to be prepared in the laboratory, and they have been successfully used in experiments (Abate, 1974). The two-level atom approximation is therefore close to the truth and not merely a mathematical convenience in some experimental situations. In the following we begin by developing the algebra for such a two-level atom. Dynamical variables for a two-level atom We consider an atomic quantum system with the two energy levels shown in Fig. 15.1.

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