
To discuss the protection mechanism of DNA from radiation as well as assess the performance of PM6-DH2 on noncovalent interactions, the interaction of four nucleic acid bases (NABs) such as adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T), with Li@C(60) was extensively investigated with the-state-of-art theoretical methods describing noncovalent systems, like M06-2x, PBE-D, and PM6-DH2 methods. In the gas phase, the binding strength of NABs to Li@C(60) from M06-2x decreases in the sequence, G>C>A>T. As dispersion was explicitly included, PBE-D relatively enhances the binding of A and T and corrects the sequence to, G>A>C∼T. PM6-DH2 predicted similar binding energies to those from PBE-D within 0.5 kcal/mol and the same binding sequence, suggesting that the PM6-DH2 method is promising for nano-scale systems. In the aqueous solution, binding of NABs-Li@C(60) is considerably decreased, and the M06-2X and PM6-D methods yield a different sequence from the gas phase, G>A>T>C. The encapsulation of Li atom results in a lower IP for Li@C(60) than those of NABs, and the dominant localization of single-occupied molecular orbital on Li@C(60) moiety of the complexes NABs-Li@C(60) further indicates that an electron would be ejected from Li@C(60) upon radiation and Li@C(60) is therefore able to protect DNA bases from radiation. In addition, it was revealed that Li prefers coordination with the hexagonal ring at Li@C(60) , which clarifies the existing controversy in this respect. Finally, Yang's reduced density gradient approach clearly shows that the weak and strong noncovalent interaction regions in the complexes, NABs-Li@C(60) and (NABs-Li@C(60) )(+).

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