
Reverter, M., Gomez-Catasus, J., Barrero, A., Perez-Granados, C., Bustillo-de la Rosa, D., Traba, J. 2019. Interactions in shrub-steppes: implications for the maintenance of a threatened bird. Ecosistemas 28(2): 69-77. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.1763 The interactions between ecosystem components and their implications on birds have been poorly studied, especially in shrub-steppes. In this work, we evaluate the interactions between vegetation structure, arthropods availability and the use of space by the Dupont´s lark (Chersophilus duponti) in important areas for the species in the Iberian Peninsula. To that end, between 2015-2018 springs, bird censuses and microhabitat samples were carried out in suitable areas for the species, which should be taken as a reference for habitat restoration tasks. The intensity of space use by the species was calculated by a kernel density function, which defines the probability of finding a territory from the spatial pattern of observations. The habitat quality was determined by sampling vegetation structure and food availability. Habitat structure variables were summarized by principal component analysis. Linear mixed models (LMMs) were adjusted to evaluate the relationships between variables. Shrub cover was positively and significantly related to total epigeous biomass and Coleoptera biomass, and positive but marginally significant with hypogeous biomass (mainly arthropods larvae). The biomass of order Araneae was positively and significantly related to the use of space by Dupont´s lark, while total epigeous biomass and Coleoptera biomass were positively but marginally related to the use of space by Dupont´s lark. This work provides new results about habitat and its quality for Dupont´s lark in optimal habitat for the species, and it highlight the fundamental role of arthropod availability for the maintenance of the species which has to be taken into account in carrying out restoration actions for the species.

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