
<p>The fatwa in response to questions about Islamic law at Nahdlatul Ulama was discussed at the NU Bahsul Masail Institute. The methodology used in exploring the law was initially still using the classical fiqh paradigm. However, recently many decisions made by the institution imply a new paradigm that leads to a progressive Islamic approach. The paradigm underlying the decision is not only based on subjectivity ('ulum ad-dien) but also involves a dimension of objectivity (social sciences and humanities). This is reflected in the decision of the Bahtsul Masail ad-Diniyyah al-Maudlu'iyyah PBNU LBMNU forum at the Banjar West Java National Conference on 27 February-1 March 2019 regarding point A: State, Citizenship and State Law. NonMuslim Żimmy in the context of the nation state according to NU is referred to as muwathinīn, namely citizens of equal status. The intersubjectivity of the fatwa in the decision is a transformation of the methodology of the new legal approach at Nahdlatul Ulama in responding to current contextual problems.</p>

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