
This study aims to demonstrate the impact of the science of the principles of jurisprudence as a method on the rest of the curricula of other Sharia sciences, as well as the places of participation and scientific additions in theses between the science of the principles of jurisprudence and other sciences, such as the sciences of interpretation, the sciences of the Noble Qur’an, the science of Hadith, and the science of jurisprudence in addition to the sciences of grammar and sciences of the Arabic language. The study included a statement of what is meant by the influence of the approach jurisprudence principles on other curricula and the importance of studying these additions and the controls that must be available in order to consider the impact and scientific additions, and a general extrapolation of the scientific theses in Saudi universities that dealt with the subject of inter-studies between the science of the principles of jurisprudence and other sciences, and a statement of the places of participation and influence. In the end, the study reached an explanation of the face of integration and the connection between the science of the principles of jurisprudence and the sciences of Islamic law, the Arabic language and logic, and how the science of the principles of jurisprudence as a general approach to reading affected all these curricula.

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