
Based on the explanation above, it can be seen clearly that the regulation regarding interfaith marriage has not received the main attention to form an arrangement so that there is clarity on the norms governing it. The government and lawmakers have not enacted regulations that clarify the legal position of marriage between different religions, whether it is really prohibited in Indonesia or permitted by obtaining special arrangements. So that there are several policies that can be carried out by the government, the first is to make strict policies and clear arrangements for people who want to apply for interfaith marriages in court. For example, by removing ambiguous and contradictory norms in Law Number 1 Year 1974 concerning Marriage and revised the Law. Second, the government makes clear regulations regarding the rules governing so that the identity of the person proposing an interfaith marriage is disguised along with the documents submitted by the party.According to the author, there are several recommendations that can be made by the government as a policy maker, the first is to establish a policy to revise existing laws, namely Law number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Law number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration . The next recommendation that can be made by the government is to disseminate comprehensively the rigid rules to clarify provisions regarding interfaith marriages in Indonesia.The recommendation mentioned earlier is to inform Indonesian citizens that in order to marry people of different religions, they must meet these requirements.

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