
Central Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia where the population is heterogeneous in terms of religion, culture and ethnicity. In several regencies and cities, there are places of worship located side by side (eg mosques, churches, Balai Basarah, and Vihara). Religious relations in several locations indicate awareness of social relations based on kinship. This work is aimed at exploring the patterns of interaction between the life of religious communities in religious, social activities and cultural life. The study employs a naturalistic qualitative approach where the actual condition in the field is being observed or to be natural with the conditions as they are. The data is based on observation, documents and interviews with selected informants from various religious groups including those practicing Islam, Christianity, and Hindu Kaharingan. Two important findings of the work include, firstly, that the tolerance attitude among them is created because of the ideological strength of the local culture of ‘Huma Betang’ and the values of kinship. Secondly, the process of interaction occurrence is encouraged by the existed meaning of the 'front stage' (emphazising more on the interests of the group). It is an understanding of the differences among them without having to prioritize them in social life, culture and others as well as in the 'back stage' (personal self-concept) of being alert, prejudiced and more careful in daily communication.

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