
1. We measured the simultaneous energy expenditure of five male and six female pouched mice (Saccostomus campestris), over 3 consecutive days, using the doubly labelled water (DLW) technique. The aim was to assess the interindividual scaling of daily energy demands and also the repeatability of measures of daily energy expenditure when using doubly labelled water. 2. Individual mice were housed in cages, given free access to food and water and were kept in a natural photoperiod (February at 26°S) at a mean temperature of 26.5°C (daily range 25-28°C). 3. Males were significantly heavier than the females, as is typical in this species. Mean energy expenditure (Watts) (single-pool model) over 3 days, across individuals, was positively related to body mass (reduced major axis scaling exponent b = 1.96) and to change in body mass over the 3 days

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