
Syariah Compliant Healthcare Services in a rather unique trend that emerged in Malaysia. It started in few decades ago when certain ‘Islamic’ hospitals started offering Syariah compliant services with the tag line “Ibadah Friendly Hospital”. Syariah Hospital of Islamic Hospital defined as hospital that provides health services in accordance with Syariah principles or in other words applying maqasid Syariah in hospital governance hospital. But a question remains, is there a necessity of Syariah compliant hospitals? And why it became a choice in the market. The research methodology used is qualitative based on content analysis technique to obtain data. This study seeks to find out the reason that motivates this choice by looking into the role of religiosity that is presumed to be the main reason for the choice. Based on the theory of reason action, a literature has been reviewed to construct tools to investigate Muslim attitude towards their intention to choose Syariah compliant hospital.

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