
Research Aims: The purpose of this research is to understand the interest of Generation Z in switching behavior to Islamic banks based on the Push Pull Mooring (PPM) theory. Methodology: The method used in this research is quantitative and the population taken as a sample is Generation Z in Banten Province. The hypothesis in this research is tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and the SmartPLS 3.0 application, with a sample size of 184 respondents taken using purposive sampling method. Research Findings: The results of the research show that the push and pull factors have a positive and significant effect on switching intention, while the mooring factors do not have an effect on switching intention. Theoretical Contribution/Originalitity: The research focuses on Generation Z in Banten Province, and the findings may not be generalized to other regions or age groups. Additionally, the study relies on self-reported data, which may be subject to respondent bias. Implication: Sharia banks must take the opportunity to develop and offer services that are more in line with religious values and can focus on developing products and services that meet sharia standards and prioritize Islamic ethical values to attract more customers.

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