
The aim of the article is to trace how the critique of psychoanalysis, developed by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in Anti-Oedipus, has influenced Anglo-American film theory in the last two decades. In the first part of the article, the author describes a somewhat peculiar theoretical impasse that has plagued film studies; a blockage caused by an overemphasis on psychoanalytic interpretations which revolve around identification, spectatorship, and representation. In the second part, the author presents selected publications that have entered into a creative dialogue with both cinepsychoanalysis and schizoanalysis, and includes two interpretations of famous horror movies: Psycho and The Dawn of the Dead. In both cases psychoanalytic commentary is pushed aside, while the deleuzian-guattarian concept of desire and the notion of an affective film experience are moved into the foreground.

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