
We performed intensive rearing of larvae of the nase Chondrostoma nasus (L.) in a feeding experiment until 21 days from the initiation of exogenous nutrition under laboratory conditions at a temperature 26°C. Two dry starter feeds (a feed for salmonids and a starter feed of the artificialplanktontype)differinginthecompositionof nutrients (50% and 60% of proteins, 12% and 16% of fat, respectively) and natural food (Artemia salina nauplii) were used. Cumulative survival rate, individual weight (w), total length (TL), specificweightgrowthrate(SWGR),specificlengthgrowthrate(SLGR)andconditionfactor(CF)wereassessed.One-wayanalysisofvariance(ANOVA)was used for statistical processing of data. High survival rate 99.3% and the highest (P < 0.01) growth rate of nase larvae (TL = 22.0 mm, w = 69.2 mg) were found when feeding the natural food. The application of dry feed of the artificialplanktontyperesultedinhighersurvival(98.8%)andsignificantlyhigher(P < 0.01) growth of both length and weight (TL = 17.5 mm, w = 42.5 mg) compared to the nase fed with dry feed for salmonids (survival rate 77.3%, TL = 15.9 mm, w = 24.5 mm). In the course of the experiment the value of Fulton’s coefficientincreasedfrominitial0.57 to 0.79 in fishfedwithartificialplanktonto0.65infishfedwithnaturalfoodandto 0.61if dryfeedforsalmo-nids was used. We conclude that with an appropriate starter feed the successful intensive rearing of larval nase can be carried out under controlled conditions.

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