
In this study, we have prepared an intensity map based on macroseismic survey and all the available information from print and electronic media of damage and other effects due to March 05, 2012, M 4.9 Bahadurgarh (Haryana–Delhi border) earthquake and interpreted them to obtain modified Mercalli intensities (MMI) at over 62 locations surrounding the Haryana and Delhi. We have cross-checked the damage information from print and electronic media in the field at 25 sites within 110 km surrounding the epicenter for validation. Based on the questionnaire which is used in macroseismic survey and personal judgment, intensities were assigned accordingly as per physical survey at 25 sites and for rest based on media reporting. A maximum intensity of VI was assigned to this seismic event. Isoseismals of V and VI have been fully covered in the field observations. Beside this, some of the points have also been covered for isoseismal IV and isoseismal III and rest are based on media report only. The intensity map reveals several interesting features. Elliptically elongated shape of intensity map shows that most of the slightly damaged areas are concentrated toward the northwestern side of the epicenter having intensity V which may be due to directivity or site effects. A regression relation has also been derived between intensity and epicentral distance. The derived attenuation relation will be useful for assessing damage of a potential future earthquake (earthquake scenario–based planning purposes) for the Delhi NCR region.

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