
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.
 The purpose of this study was to collect heart rates of subjects by the polar team system heart rate monitor during the championship finals (3 rounds). Eight junior high school indoor tug-of-war athletes participated in the study. The percentage of heart rate reserve (%HRR) was calculated. During the competitions, the lowest heart rate of subjects were 34.5±6.4%HRR ~ 50.8±7.0%HRR. The highest heart rate of subjects were 66.7±6.5%HRR ~ 87.1±6.3%HRR and presented at the last stage of games for a few seconds. In conclusion, when teenage indoor tug-of-war player face contender of the weakness level, their intensity is 52.7±13.4 %HRR. Moreover, when they face contender the same level, their intensity is 72.7 ~ 13.1%HRR.
 本研究以8位青少年室內八人制拔河選手為對象,並利用心跳監控器於正式拔河錦標賽決賽中,收集受測者與3場對手比賽時 的全程心跳率,並將心跳率數值換算為儲備心跳率百分比,以評估拔河比賽的運動強度。結果發現,比賽期間受試者最低心跳率介於34.5±6.4 ~ 50.8±7.0%HRR,最高心跳率介於66.7±6.5 ~ 87.1±6.3%HRR,受試者之最高心跳率出現於比賽最後階段且只維持數秒鐘。本研究結果顯示,青少年室內八人制拔河比賽在面對較弱的對手時之運動強度為52.7±13.4%HRR,而對上實力相當的對手時則為72.7±13.1%HRR。


  • The purpose of this study was to collect heart rates of subjects by the polar team system heart rate monitor during the championship finals (3 rounds)

  • Eight junior high school indoor tug-of-war athletes participated in the study

  • 二、 青少年室內八人制拔河選手在拔河比賽時 , 在 面 對不同實力隊伍時平均運動強度為52.7±13.4 ~ 72.7±13.1%HRR。

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The purpose of this study was to collect heart rates of subjects by the polar team system heart rate monitor during the championship finals (3 rounds). 本研究以8位青少年室內八人制拔河選手為對象,並利用心跳監控器於正式拔河錦標賽決賽中,收集受測者與3場對手比賽時 的全程心跳率,並將心跳率數值換算為儲備心跳率百分比,以評估拔河比賽的運動強度。結果發現,比賽期間受試者最低心跳率 介於34.5±6.4 ~ 50.8±7.0%HRR,最高心跳率介於66.7±6.5 ~ 87.1±6.3%HRR,受試者之最高心跳率出現於比賽最後階段 且只維持數秒鐘。本研究結果顯示,青少年室內八人制拔河比賽在面對較弱的對手時之運動強度為52.7±13.4%HRR,而對上實力 相當的對手時則為72.7±13.1%HRR。 臺灣於1990年自日本引進室內拔河運動 (Tug-of-War) ,並於1992年成立中華民國拔河運動協會 (Chinese Taipei Tug of War Association, CTWA) ,室內拔河運動發展至 今已有十餘年的歷史。根據TWIF的規則,拔河比賽沒有時間 限制,選手必須盡最大力量將對方拉過來,直到分出勝負為 量 (maximal oxygen uptake, VO2max) 百分比 (%VO2max) 、

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