
The spatiotemporal distributions of wildfire areas and FRP values for the territory of Russia and its large regions (the European part of Russia, as well as the Ural, Siberian, and Far Eastern Federal Districts) during 2001–2022 were analyzed using satellite data. For the territory of Russia, there was a decreasing trend in annual burned areas and a small increase in average hotspot FRP. At the same time, the largest annual burned areas in the territory of Russia were recorded in 2008 (295.2 thous. km2), 2002 (272.4 thous. km2), 2006 (261.2 thous. km2), and in 2012 (258.4 thous. km2). It was found that during the studied period, 90% of fire hotspots in Russia had a maximum FRP < 100 MW. The most intense wildfires (FRP > 1500 MW) amounted to only 0.1% and were detected mainly in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. Interconnections between large wildfires and meteorological factors, including blocking activity in the atmosphere, were revealed.

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