
We present a detailed analysis of the spatially resolved properties of the lensed submillimeter galaxy (SMG) SMM J14011+0252 at z = 2.56, combining deep near-infrared integral-field data obtained with SPIFFI on the VLT with other multiwavelength data sets. As previously discussed by other authors, the broad characteristics of SMM J14011+0252 in particular and submillimeter galaxies in general are in agreement with what is expected for the early evolution of local massive spheroidal galaxies. From continuum and line flux, velocity, and dispersion maps, we measure the kinematics, star formation rates, gas densities, and extinction for individual subcomponents. The star formation intensity is similar to low-redshift while the line fluxes and the dynamics of the emission line gas provide direct evidence for a starburst-driven wind with physical properties very similar to local superwinds. We also find circumstantial evidence for self-regulated star formation within J1. The relative velocity of the bluer companion J2 yields a dynamical mass estimate for J1 within ~20 kpc of Mdyn ~ 1 × 1011 M☉. The relative metallicity of J2 is 0.4 dex lower than in J1n/J1s, suggesting different star formation histories. Spectral energy distribution fitting of the continuum peak J1c confirms and substantiates previous suggestions that this component is a z = 0.25 interloper. When removing J1c, the stellar continuum and Hα line emission appear well aligned spatially in two individual components, J1n and J1s, and coincide with two kinematically distinct regions in the velocity map, which might well indicate a merging system. This highlights the close similarity between SMGs and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), which are often merger-driven maximal starbursts, and suggests that the intrinsic mechanisms of star formation and related feedback are in fact similar to low-redshift strongly star-forming systems.

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