
Platelets are known primarily for their role in blood clotting; however, it is becoming clear that they play diverse roles beyond that of haemostasis. Exercise has been shown to activate platelets and stimulate neurogenesis, neuroplasticity and improve cognitive function, highlighting a potentially powerful link between platelet function and brain health. Despite this clear link between platelets and the brain, very little is known about the behaviour of platelets through the cerebral circulation in humans. We examined platelet concentration across the brain in exercising humans at sea level (340m) and high altitude (6-8days at 3800m; a stimulus known to modify platelet function). During intense exercise at sea level, platelet concentration increased similarly by 27±17% in the arterial and internal jugular venous circulations (exercise: P<0.001, interaction: P=0.262), indicating no uptake or release of platelets into/from the brain. At high altitude, resting platelet concentrations were similar to sea level values in both the arterial and jugular venous circulations (P=0.590); however, intense exercise at high altitude caused a 31±35% decrease in platelet concentration across the brain (P=0.016). This divergent response across the brain was not observed in any other haematological or metabolic variables. These data highlight a unique situation where the combination of intense exercise and high altitude hypoxia cause a decrease in platelet concentration across the cerebral circulation. The physiological implications and mechanisms that might influence platelet function across the brain during exercise at high altitude remain to be established. KEY POINTS: Platelets are known primarily for their role in blood clotting; however, it is becoming clear that they play diverse roles beyond that of haemostasis. Exercise has been shown to activate platelets, which in turn stimulate neurogenesis, neuroplasticity and improve cognitive function, highlighting a powerful link between platelet function and brain health. At sea level, platelet concentration in blood going into and out of the brain was similar at rest, during maximal exercise and in recovery from exercise. During maximal exercise at high altitude, platelet concentration was 31% lower in the blood exiting the brain; the final destination of these platelets is unknown. The physiological implications and mechanisms that might influence platelet function across the cerebral circulation during exercise at high altitude remain to be established.

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