
The basic plan of our work is to design and implement Artificial Intelligence based Voice Recognition System Software and to create a bundle that consists integration of several tasks, where we can process and execute using Clients Individual voice command. An Artificial Intelligent based Virtual or Personal Assistant were indicated as IVA or IPA could be a package of Intelligent mechanism which execute different tasks and services based on the queries and command for operating intelligent based system. It is identified as square measure at some areas of disciplines utilized for voice detection, where voice recognition is identified as communication channel between persons will be notified by machine. where machines can identify voice of a person wherever the voice is only approach of double communication, and a lot of typically, it permits to free-up each hands and vision doubtless for performing an additional action in comparison or facilitates conjointly inactivated individuals. In this paper we concentrated on the different artificial intelligent technologies that support the voice recognition and natural language processing. Generally, to try and do such quite tasks we would like a voice assistant to prefer and to get gadgets like Alexa. However identical practicality will be done by several the powerful packages like pywhatkit, Wikipedia, pyttsx3, pygame, speech recognition, OpenCV etc., we majorly focused on the practical implementation of voice recognition module based on the OpenCV. In modern technology speech recognition, object identification, digital image processing, language processing plays a major role in security and other factors, the most common mechanisms in artificial intelligence in association with machine and deep learning is that the mechanisms for identifying the natural language of a personalities. Latest terminology during present issue will cause artificial intelligence-based human-robot interaction that is based on multi-disciplinary technologies such as natural language processing, deep and machine learning. We even concentrated on the different tools that support voice recognition and the software companies such as google, Microsoft and amazon. Where new trends and methodologies are implemented at rapid growth. The major factors in this module are natural language processing, speech recognition and the voice management. One is every of such tools is voice assistant, which can be integrated into several alternative intelligent systems. Voice may be a ton of economical than writing on a keyboard. Here we tend to square measure desegregation varied options and place along as one practicable file. Hence, we will create several things among less quantity of your time with the simplest performance. In this research we verified different models, mechanisms and procedures adopted by various researchers in this field to recognize the voice. The basic set up of our work is to integrate as many tasks as achievable and build it execute by our voice command. The design and implementation of the OpenCV approach is given along with the experimental analysis and finally the result analysis is given in the graphical form.

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