
This paper considers the problem of protecting critical infrastructure and other homeland security initiatives with the application of an intelligent video (IV) system. A systems engineering approach is followed to decompose top level requirements into system functions based on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Strategic Plan, The National Strategy for Homeland Security, and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP). In parallel, the attributes of an intelligent video system are introduced, and then correlated with the system functions. Specific top level intelligent video system attributes and applications include virtual perimeter breach detection, object detection, removed or left object detection, object counting, object classification, object tracking, wrong way detection, facial recognition, forensic video, and behavior alerts. In this way, the overarching application of intelligent video technology to specific homeland security challenges are shown. The paper highlights the capabilities and benefits of an intelligent video system to autonomously perform real time monitoring activities and alert notifications based on user defined rules. Some of the challenges to intelligent video systems such as dynamic environments, false alarms, and privacy implications are addressed.

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