
Now a day, the population is increasing and vehicles are also increasing in twice ratio as everyone intended to have more than one vehicle for convince. The vehicle contains many documents like Vehicle RC, Pollution and Insurance. These all have to update after some interval of time and every document have different time duration i.e. pollution for 3 months, insurance for 1 year and RC for 15 years. Checking these of all vehicle owner is not possible due to which only some are keeping these documents updated and rest are not obeying the law. So to make citizens to obey this law for updating their vehicle documents on time and if not then they have to pay challan defined by the government. Hard copy of all documentation will be now converted into soft or virtual copy and all details will be going to be stored in a Card like RC card and be making it smart by containing details for pollution update time, insurance update time and RC update time and this card is also linked with user mobile number and contains permanent address too. On the last date for updating the document, a user will receive a message for updating and if not updated on the same day then on next day challan will be generated and send to user address. This work will propose a framework which results in the formation of the intelligent document, by this, vehicles details are going to be tracked and the law is going to be obeyed by everyone from India’s transportation context.

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