
AbstractIntroduction to intelligent transportation systems: need, operation, tools, intelligent transportation system (ITS) emergency vehicle scenario, and convolutional neural network model for intelligent transportation systems are covered in this chapter. In addition, the chapter discusses the need for intelligent transportation systems, how they work, and the critical stages of intelligent transportation systems. Aside from that, the chapter discusses intelligent transportation system patterns. This work discusses critical challenges in implementing an intelligent transportation system. This chapter discusses intelligent user services in an intelligent transportation system, and also discusses required architecture of vehicular networks/ITS. Big data and new technologies that make it easier and cheaper to collect, store, analyze, use, and share data from various sources have made this more accessible and cheaper. Because of the connected environment, new ways to control and manage transportation systems in real time are also emerging. These new methods of controlling and managing transportation systems will aid in the improvement of overall system performance. These systems use real-time data about traffic flow on city roads to assist people in avoiding traffic and maintaining a clean environment. There has been a significant increase in traffic monitoring, putting traditional transportation systems that rely on cloud computing under a lot of strain. In the last few years, the intelligent transportation system (ITS) has seen a lot of changes. Make trips more efficient: Many ITS technologies can assist people in reducing the number of unnecessary trips and increasing the number of trips taken by other modes. They can also help to reduce traffic congestion, reduce the need for foreign oil, and improve air quality.KeywordsIntelligent transportation system (ITS)Connected and autonomous vehicles (C/AV)Industrial Internet of things (IIoT)Machine learning-assisted intelligent traffic monitoring system (ML-ITMS)Machine learning (ML)

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