
Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Services (PIVAS) are places dedicated to the centralized dispensing of intravenous drugs, usually managed and operated by professional pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, and are an integral part of modern healthcare. However, the workflow of PIVAS has some problems, such as low efficiency and error-prone. This study aims to improve the efficiency of drug dispensing, reduce the rate of manual misjudgment, and minimize drug errors by conducting an in-depth study of the entire workflow of PIVAS and applying image recognition technology to the drug checking and dispensing process. Firstly, through experimental comparison, a target detection model suitable for drug category recognition is selected in the drug-checking process of PIVAS, and it is improved to improve the recognition accuracy and speed of intravenous drug categories. Secondly, a corner detection model for drug dosage recognition was studied in the drug dispensing stage to further increase drug dispensing accuracy. Then the PIVAS drug category recognition system and PIVAS drug dosage recognition system were designed and implemented.

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