
An approach to data integration, aimed on the ontology-based intelligent search in Big Data, is considered in the case when information objects are represented in the form of relational databases (RDB), structurally marked by their schemes. The source of information for constructing an ontology and, later on, the organization of the search are texts in natural language, treated as semi-structured data. For the RDBs, these are comments on the names of tables and their attributes. Formal definition of RDBs integration model in terms of ontologies is given. Within framework of the model universal RDB representation ontology, oil production subject domain ontology and linguistic thesaurus of subject domain language are built. Technique of automatic SQL queries generation for subject domain specialists is proposed. On the base of it, information system for TATNEFT oil-producing company RDBs was implemented. Exploitation of the system showed good relevance with majority of queries.

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